Hyperglycaemia, or high blood glucose levels, occurs when there is an excessive amount of glucose in the bloodstream. If your blood glucose levels are running high you may feel tired, thirsty and need to pass urine more frequently.
Causes of high blood glucose levels: when you have Type 1 Diabetes it is almost impossible not to have a high blood glucose reading at some point as there are a number of potential causes: -
If blood glucose readings are persistently high over three consecutive days and this is not due to any of the reasons above, you may need to consider increasing your insulin dose. Speak to your diabetes team for advice.
If your blood glucose levels are high because you are unwell, it is very important that you take action quickly and follow the ‘Sick Day Rules’ that your diabetes team has provided you with. If you are unsure at any time, please contact your diabetes team for advice as required.
The CHOICE diabetes education programme is available in NI and the border counties of Republic of Ireland, ask your Diabetes Team
Choice Programme